We know student life can bring lots of wonderful challenges but at times, we all need a helping hand.
The University has a wide range of support services if and when you need them.
Please see the Library Access Guide for disabled students.
The guide contains information on contacting your Disabilty Support Librarian and how to access the range of Library and IT services that are specifically aimed at disabled students and those with Specific Learning Difficulties (dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia).
This is a list of some external support organizations that may support you with your health and wellbeing.
You can find a wider variety of self-help resources on a range of topics on the Student Wellbeing resources page.
The Report and Support portal, allows anyone studying at the University to report experiences of bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, racism and hate crime - whether the incident occurred inside or outside the Westminster community.
Link to the portal: https://reportandsupport.westminster.ac.uk/
The CHERISH website has been developed by a team of researchers at the University of Westminster alongside participants with lived experience of providing support for self-harm.
This could be of particular use to colleagues or students who may be currently, or have previously, provided support for someone engaging in self-harm (particularly if that person is a University Student), but it could also be that colleagues or students just want to know more about this issue.
It is freely available to anyone looking for support around this subject, even if they do not wish to seek support face-to-face.
Link to the website: cherishsupport.co.uk/
This is a list of contact services you may need in an emergency: