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Open Access Resources: WestminsterResearch

WestminsterResearch: Our Institutional Repository

Institutional Repositories are archives for collecting, preserving and making accessible the knowledge generated by an academic institution.

They are a great source for quality open access research.

WestminsterResearch is the name of the institional repository for University of Westminster. It makes information about thousands of publications (many accompanied by the full text or a link to the full text on the publishers website) available through open access.

Many academic institutions have their own repositories where you can search for open access content. 

Repositories hold many different types of content. It can include audio-visual content, reports, datasets, journal articles, reports, theses and more.

Note: due to copyright and licensing, some content may not be available openly or digitally.


Using WestminsterResearch 

Homepage of westminster research -screenshot

Content from WestminsterResearch is searchable through LibrarySearch or you can go directly to WestminsterResearch for a few extra functions

You can find research from a specific person, a specific research area or explore the latest reseearch published and deposited in WestminsterResearch.

Note: Some research articles may have an emborgo imposed by the publisher and might not be available immediately.



Filtering to WestminsterReseach content in LibrarySearch

WestminsterResearch outputs are available when you search in LibrarySearch, you can also filter your search to specifically search within the institutional repository.

Select 'WestminsterResearch' from the drop-down menu next to the search input box.

westmsinterresearch highlighted in search filter drop down menu


Finding insitutional repositories and their content

There are several search engines where content from institutional repositiories can be surfaced, below are two useful starting points.


Preprint - the author's version of the article before the peer-review process.

Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM) - this is also known as the final author version or final author manuscript, this is the version that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication, but has not yet been formatted for printing in the journal.

Embargo - Publishers sometimes impose embargoes on articles, giving access only to those who have paid for a subscription first for a period of time, before making it freely available to all.

Institutional Repository (IR) - An archive for collecting, preserving and making accessible the knowledge generated by an academic institution.