London is home to some fantastic libraries, most of which you can access. This is particularly useful for students embarking on their final year, or postgraduate students.
Find more libraries on the Using other libraries guide
Apply for a SCONUL Access card to get access to UK university libraries (e.g. UAL, RCA, UCL). Your Eduroam account will also work in most libraries
British Film Institute Library
British Museum Library and Archive
"If I was a fashion student today..." (4 minute video)
Westminster City Council Library Service is well worth joining, as they have some good electronic resources you can access remotely, including some useful for courses in the school of arts. For example, Screen Studies (from Bloomsbury) is a useful ebook collection for film, and Fashion Monitor (contacts, news and events) is available at Westminster Business Library.
You can also access general-interest eBooks and audiobooks from this library.
Internet Archive / Open Library
MOMA Archive of Exhibitions - some, like Gaudi (1958) and The photographs of Jacques Henri Lartigue (1963) have a PDF of the catalogue
See also: Open Access books and articles (sources) - Art Institute of Chicago
See also Pilar Corrias - publications
Use the 'Can't find what you need?' to obtain sources not available at Westminster
NB: The first part of the process initiates a search on Library Search to make sure the item is not in stock. After, this you can request the item by filling in the request form.
Library Search is a useful start and is sufficient for research for most assignments. However, you could also try the following, especially when tackling more in-depth research. This is particularly important for final-year students writing dissertations.
Hidden sources
In some cases, using alternative search tools might be a way of identifying sources available at Westminster but which are otherwise hidden. For example, a library Hub Discover search for photography autism shows Polly Braden's book 'Great Interactions' is available at Westminster. However, it does not appear on Library Search using the same search!
Google Scholar has a 'cited by' feature that links to sources that cite the source you are looking at. Library Search also has this on some titles.