The library doesn't just subscribe to books and journals, we also have access to a variety of business databases.
Here are some key databases for data and statistics.
Can't find what you're looking for on this page? See our A-Z list of e-resources, or contact one of the WBS librarians with a specific enquiry.
Economic, political, business and market developments including analytical briefings for 203 countries. Updated daily from the Economist Intelligence Unit.
Statista aggregates statistical data on over 600 international industries from more than 18,000 sources, including market researchers, trade organisations, scientific journal and government databases.
International datasets from both macro and micro sources. Includes statistics from OECD, Wor;d Bank and IMF.
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Official statistics reflecting Britain's economy, population and society at national and local level.
Nomis is a service provided by the Office for National Statistics, ONS, to give you free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.
An e-resource for UK media and statistics. Browse by area - Press, Television, Online, Radio, Mobile, Cinema, Direct Mail. Also includes daily updates on media trends, news and analysis.
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