This page contains the step-by-step guides below. You can scroll through to find the instructions you want, or select from the list below to open up instructions in a new window.
The current academic year (2023/24) will still use the old Talis Reading List system.
The new reading list system will be available through Blackboard after the rollover, schedule in Late July/ Early August.
You should be able to access your new lists directly in the Leganto interface via:
Log-in to view your lists.
Currently, you need to open the item to view and edit your notes for students. However, when students view the list, they will see the notes from the main page.
Select the [...] menu at the top of the reading list and then select the 'view list as a student' option.
The company providing our reading list system also provide a series of useful videos and handouts on using the reading list, we have included the link below.