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Library Guides

Film: Home

The aim of this guide is to provide helpful resources and tips for research in film.

Library Services Orientation for new students

The new Library Services Orientation guide has been written to help new film students understand the resources and services on offer.  

School of Arts Librarian

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James Thickins
I am part of the Academic Engagement and Learning Development team (AELD). Book an appointment with me individually or in groups online or in person to discuss your research needs.

Emails to members of the Academic Engagement and Learning Development team go to an email pool in the first instance:

Library Search

Library Search is good for academic research.  Not only does it list all the books that the library holds, it also provides links to content from most of the periodicals literature that we have access to. 

As well as searching for a specific topic that you are interested in, look as well at books that cover a broad area. 

Google books can also be useful for research.


Library Search is the best place to start research, but you might also want to look specifically at some of the film and television journals listed here

You will find the following magazines available in the library, plus they are all available online apart from Cahier du Cinema and Cinefex.

The three key journals for media studies are available here.

Research tools

Streaming services

LinkedIn Learning

Mediatel - stats for television and cinema