Welcome to the guide for Criminology. This guide will help you to discover the books, journals and other resources that you will need for your studies. Use the tabs above to discover more about how to find different types of resources.
To find out the latest information on our Library Services, please visit our dedicated Library Guide to Library and Archive Services.
Library Search is the main way to search for resources provided by the University of Westminster.
Use the search box below to look up print and electronic resources in Library Search, or go directly to the Library Search homepage.
Your main Library is Cavendish Library on New Cavendish Street - find us on the 3rd floor of Cavendish Building.
You can also access the other University of Westminster libraries based at Marylebone and Harrow.
You can make an online request for the item to be sent to your campus library. You can request most items and you can request up to five items at a time.
To request:
We do not charge fines. If you return a requested item late, your library account will be blocked. This means that you will not be allowed to borrow or request items for the length of time the book was overdue, and this may prevent other loans on your account being automatically renewed. Bring your requested books back by the due date to avoid this happening.
To help you get the most out of your learning, your lecturers will provide you with a reading list for each module. Your list may contain different types of sources, such as books, articles, podcasts, videos and websites. You will use your reading list to prepare for each week of your modules and to find sources for your exams and assignments.
The best place to find your reading list is on Blackboard. Each of your modules will have a Blackboard site. Look for the "Reading List" link in the left hand menu to link to your online reading list. You can also find your online reading list at http://readinglist.westminster.ac.uk. If your module does not have an online reading list, ask your lecturer.