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Library Guides

Reading lists (Academic staff): Your new look reading list!

This is a guide for academic staff

A Better Integrated Reading List

In preparation for the next academic year (2024/25) we are transitioning to a new online reading list system.

The benefits of the new system include:

  • Better integration with our library catalogue 
  • Ability to create and edit lists in Blackboard  
  • Ability to copy and paste resources from one reading list to another 

We have recently completed the data transfer and your reading has been copied over from the old system into the new system. The content will be the same, but the layout might differ slightly. 

Library staff members are currently going through the lists and cleaning up the data over the next few months in preparation for the Blackboard rollover in July. We are preparing training sessions over the summer. Please sign up from the upcoming Training page.

You are welcome to take a look under the bonnet; the reading list system is accessible via the Intranet home page - look for Reading Lists (New - Leganto) at the bottom of the page. 

If you have any questions or queries, you can contact us by email.

Reading List New Look

Leganto Reading List new look

Changes and New Features

Here are some of the changes and new features of the new online reading lists.

Add resources directly from Library Search

choose "search the library" option from the add drop down menu.

You can add content directly whilst within your reading list, including pulling resources directly from Library Search without having to open a separate page.

Cite It! Bookmarklet for web based resources

Cite it function in the settings dropdown menu

You can add web resources (web pages, newspaper articles, podcasts) by using the Cite It bookmarklet, which can be found under Settings.

Tags for resource purchasing

Item details subtab item actiosn contains the tag function

Tags will be more important in the new reading lists as they will directly impact how resources are purchased for students. Tags can be found in the 'Item actions' sub-tab under the 'Full Details' information for an individual resource.

More comprehensive information about tagging is available in the Tag it! Why tags matter tab.

Copy items from different lists

Select the item details next to each item record to find the copy item option

In the new reading list system, you can copy items from any reading list into your own. It is also possible to duplicate entire lists.

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