Books & e-books are a good source of information, and are:
To search for books and e-books go to Library Search or do a quick search using the box below.
To find the essential and recommended readings, go to your module site on BlackBoard and find the Reading List option:
You will be able to link directly to the e-book (if available) or the book record in Library Search
Or use the link below to search for a module code, title or academic:
The library subscribes to a number of e-book collections - see our list below, where you can search for e-books on a subject / by author / by title.
The Human Resource Management books are on the 2nd floor of Marylebone library.
Key shelf numbers:
658.3 Human Resource Management
658.301 Strategic Human Resource Management
658.311 Recruitment
658.31125 Psychometric tests
658.3124 Coaching and Mentoring
658.3125 Performance Management
658.314 Work Motivation
If you would like to know more about E-books and how to use them go to the Library Guide E-books: Getting Started
Past WBS dissertations can be found on the 2nd floor near the print journals collection.