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Library Guides

Accounting, Finance & Economics: Books & e-books

What are books & e-books?

BooksBooks & e-books are a good source of information, and are:

  • a great introduction to a topic
  • give you an overview
  • explain key theories and concepts

To search for books and e-books go to Library Search or do a quick search using the box below.

Essential books

To find the essential and recommended readings, go to your module site on BlackBoard and find the Reading List option:

Screenshot of an online reading list


You will be able to link directly to the e-book (if available) or the book record in Library Search

Screenshot of a reading list

Or use the link below to search for a module code, title or academic:

More about e-books

A lot of the books you will find through Library Search will be e-books.  You can access e-books from anywhere you have a working wifi connection.  Sign in with your University username and password.

Usually you have the option to read the book online, or download it for a limited number of days.  The number of pages you can copy or print varies from publisher to publisher.

The library's most popular e-books are:


Even more e-books

The library subscribes to a number of e-book collections - see our list below, where you can search for e-books on a subject / by author / by title.



Taylor & Francis

Wiley Online Library

Browsing for print books

Most of the Business books are on the 2nd floor of Marylebone Library

Key shelf numbers:

330 Economics

332 Financial economics

332.6 Investments

336.2 Taxation

657 Accounting

657.01 Accounting Theory

657.0941 Accounting Standards (UK)

657.3 Financial Reporting

657.45 Auditing

658 General Management

658.15 Financial Management

658.1511 Management Accounting

Past dissertations

Past WBS dissertations can be found on the 2nd floor near the print journals collection.