Create a space to study - it doesn’t have to be big, but it has to be dedicated.
Have at hands:
Distance from yourself:
While with studying online you may have more time at hands and you can be more flexible, this doesn't mean that you can put off your tasks indefinitely! Make sure you manage your time effectively, before realising that a deadline is night and you are not ready for it!
Tips for effective time management:
The following boxes present more details about these points.
Time is essential to prepare for exams and assignments. Manage your time as effectively as possible by visualising your deadlines and identifying the steps to fulfil your aims.
Note: revision occurs in waves. It should be something like this:
Here is an example of how to plan revision during the exam period.
Step 1: On your calendar mark when each exam will take place (also mark other commitments)
Step 2: Identify time-slots you can dedicate to revision.
Make sure you split your time between all of the exams.
Step 3: Manage your time daily
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that uses a timer to break down work into intervals, so-called pomodoros (traditionally 25 minutes in length, but this can vary according to your concentration preferences), separated by short breaks. Focusing on tasks to be completed in a certain period of time helps you stay focussed and effective. The short breaks help you assimilate your learning, refresh, and provide an incentive to complete your tasks timely. After 3-4 pomodoros you earn a longer break (15-30 minutes).
Steps to use the pomodoro technique:
LinkedIn Learning Pomodoro technique video
The video below explains the Pomodoro technique and illustrates tools and apps to put it into practice.
Birmingham City University Pomodoro technique video
A shorter video on the Pomodoro technique by Birmingham City University
Procrastination means to postpone the completion of a task (from Latin pro-cras --> for-tomorrow). There are many reasons for procrastination, including distractions, lack of SMART objectives, and even perfectionism. Generally, procrastination undermines the achievement of your objectives.