Feeding Frenzy traces the history of the global food system and reveals the underlying causes of recent food shortages and price spikes - what the media has labelled a 'world food crisis'.
Dr. Linda Bacon and Dr. Lucy Aphramor's Body Respect debunks common myths about weight, including the misconceptions that BMI can accurately measure health, that fatness necessarily leads to disease, and that dieting will improve health.
Human Nutrition provides an authoritative, comprehensive resource for students of human nutrition and other health sciences, and a valuable source of information for everybody working in nutrition and related fields.
Essentials of Human Nutrition provides a complete and student-friendly introduction to the field making it an ideal companion for students throughout their study of nutrition. Written by an international team of experts, every chapter is carefully edited to give consistently clear and coherent explanations of all of the essential principles of nutrition.
Real World Research provides a clear route-map of the various steps needed to carry out a piece of applied research to a high professional standard.
This book focuses on food policy, and its relationship to public health, as an increasingly important issue in society. Contributors highlight the lack of global regulation in the food supply chain and explore the common tendency to leave regulation to markets and to individual consumer decisions.
Fat isn't the problem. Dieting is the problem. A society that rejects anyone whose body shape or size doesn't match an impossible ideal is the problem. A medical establishment that equates "thin" with "healthy" is the problem. The Health at Every Size has been evaluated in a government-funded academic study, its data published in well-respected scientific journals.
Completely updated, this accessible textbook offers a comprehensive guide to the roles of diet in causing, preventing, and even treating chronic disease and maintaining good health.
The 11th Edition offers coverage of nutrition's role in disease prevention, international nutrition issues, public health concerns, the role of obesity in a variety of chronic illnesses, genetics as it applies to nutrition, and areas of major scientific progress relating nutrition to disease.
This book is a step-by-step guide to the fundamental skills of nutritional counseling strategies and protocol, complimented by action-based worksheets and practical case studies.
Nutrition for Sport and Exercise outlines the fundamental principles of nutrition in relation to sport and exercise and then applies these principles through practical tools such as food and nutrient lists, recipes and menu options.
Practical Skills in Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics provides an easy-to-read guide to help you develop the skills you need to succeed. It explains the essential elements of practical techniques and procedures in a step-by-step manner to help you understand their application in the context of food science, nutrition and dietetics.
Anthony Winson chronicles the forces that have transformed our natural resources into an industry that produces edible commodities, an industry that far too often subverts our well-being instead of nourishing us.
The new edition of Sport Nutrition presents the principles, background and rationale for current nutrition guidelines specifically for athletes. The chapters run in a logical order that will help instructors deliver a better course and spend less time in preparing lectures and tutorials.
Stuffed and Starved takes a long and wide view of food production, to show how we all suffer the consequences of a food system cooked to a corporate recipe. This is also the story of the fight against the unthinking commerce that brings it to us.
A provocative exposé of America's self-defeating war on obesity challenges conventional wisdom regarding the cultural, medical, and political meaning of weight, arguing against the myth that falsely equates thinness with health and explaining why dieting is bad for the health, how the media misinform the public, and the link between racial and body-based prejudice.
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