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Library Guides

Time Management: Assignment Planning

Assignment Planning

To manage your time most effectively, use the ‘plan backwards, work forwards' approach rather than gradually working towards deadlines and running out of time as you get closer to them.

The approach works as follows:

Step 1:

Plot all your assignment deadlines in a semester planner. Please see the below attached template you can use.  This planner can be very useful as it allows you to see all your assignment deadlines for every module on one page.


Step 2:

  1. Use an assignment planner for each assignment.
  2. For each assignment work backwards from your deadlines plot dates/times to work on assignments and say exactly what you are going to do for that assignment. Remember to use SMART targets!
  3. Make enough time to produce at least 2 drafts of each piece of work and/or to rehearse for any presentation; ideally your first draft should be completed one week before hand-in.
  4. Remember to have the final version of your assignments complete the day before the hand in date.
  5. Leave plenty of time for editing and proofreading. Lots of marks can be lost if you leave out  this step!